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Search results for "Major"

Aug 14th, 2018 Article

Look out world, Tiger Woods is back

Whatever happened to all the talk of 'The Big 4/5/6'? Two words. Tiger Woods. Actually, four words: Tiger Woods & Brooks Koepka. 

Apr 30th, 2017 Article

Jonas Blixt blazing it up

GolfPunk sits down for a chin-wag with the Zurich Classic of New Orleans winner and gets the low down on home life, the gym and what happens on the beach + his thoughts on winning majors, bar room brawls and his own personal Kracken hell…

Jan 3rd, 2017 Article

Old and New Stars in the Mix for a Great 2017 Golf Season

As great as 2016 was for the world of golf – four different winners of golf’s four major championships, Justin Rose holding off Henrik Stenson in Rio for the gold medal as golf returned to the Olympic Games, and the United States winning the Ryder Cup for the first time since 2008 - it’s possible that 2017 could be even better.

Dec 24th, 2016 Article

It's the 2016 GolfPunk Staunchie Awards

It's been a hell of a year. Here are the results of the GolfPunk Staunchie Awards where we honour the finest achivements in 2016 from equipment manufacturers to people who were just nice to us.

Aug 31st, 2016 Article

Son of G–Mac!

G­–Mac’s wife Kristin has given birth to a son, Wills Edson McDowell. The little boy was born on Monday and weighed in at a healthy 9lbs 1 0z. Congratulations from all at GP Towers.

May 26th, 2016 Article

The history of golf re-imagined as 9 holes

Experts at England Golf have re-imagined what the history of the game would look like if it was played over nine holes, rather than 18. And here are the winners.

Feb 26th, 2016 Article

If Golfers were bands: From Rory to Arnie

Call us mad, deluded, or just plain stupid, but we’re pretty sure that golf and music have more in common than you may think. With that in mind... Rory McIlroy is Mumford & Sons ok? Read on to find out who got the other short straws!