Latest > Tiger: I am not having relations with that woman
Aug 10th, 2017
Tiger: I am not having relations with that woman
Tiger's Twitter response to Daily Mail
Words: GolfPunk Photography: Getty Images
Tiger has taken to Twitter to rebut a story published in the Daily Mail that he and Kristin Smith, a personal stylist, were still an item.
In happier times. Just after Tiger had placed one of his great clod hoppers on her foot...
In the article the claim was made that the couple sailed together on Tiger’s yacht earlier in the week.
But Tiger was having none of this:
The article then claimed that Smith “went crazy” after finding out about Woods’ arrest in May, but Tiger has denied the pair were even together at the time.
In happier times. Several hundred miles apart...
All of this just goes to prove that, well..., absolutely nothing probably, but we here at GolfPunk wish Tiger God's speed in finding the love that has seemingly proved so elusive over the years, a love that speaks not loudly, nor brashly, but nurtures and... (What the hell is going on here?! – Ed). Sorry, I happened to be listening to Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division as I was writing this.
I wonder what Tiger is up to this weekend... do you think he's watching the PGA? Maybe he's going roller skating, or maybe... (Goodnight! – Ed).
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