Latest > 5 Minutes With... Melissa Reid
Feb 9th, 2017
5 Minutes With... Melissa Reid
To celebrate Mel earning her LPGA Tour Card
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images
To celebrate Mel earning her LPGA Tour Card, we sit down and have 5 Minutes With...
Golfing Heroes?
Well, it was always Seve when I was younger. He has been such a huge influence on the game of golf and I was shocked and saddened by the news of his passing, as was everyone in golf. Then, when I was just taking up the game, Tiger was in his prime and I always looked up to him. I’ve always loved the way that Laura Davies plays and she’s been a hero. And then Annika, of course, who got me into the fitness side of it. These are my golfing heroes.
Who is the toughest match player in history?
Seve. Massively. He’s the absolute legend of match play, isn’t he? Even when he was hitting it bad he still managed to somehow get a birdie. Imagine playing against him when he was like that, hitting it all over the place whist you’re on the green in two only to lose the hole as he produces some unbelievable magic. It must have driven his opponents nuts. He’s the heart and soul of match play.
The best shot you’ve ever hit?
Probably a 3-wood over water into the final green, in the third round of the Swiss Open. I needed an eagle to tie the lead and I hit it 220 yards over the water to four feet and holed the putt. I finished second in the end but that was a big shot.
What’s your favourite club?
I have a couple, actually. I love hitting my TaylorMade M2 driver, that’s one of my strongest clubs. I also love hitting my 58-degree wedge. I just love the different things you can do with it and the imagination you can use – the spinning, high, low shots, you can do so much with it.
Favourite three golf courses?
Kingsbarns is definitely one, I love the fact it’s on the coastline, it’s gorgeous. St Andrews, the home of golf, is amazing. Then probably The Metropolitan in Melbourne.
Metropolitan Golf Club, Melbourne
Who inspires you outside of golf?
Roger Federer. I try to be as much like him as possible in terms of how he conducts himself and how professional he is.
"Cheers, Mel..."
Favourite music artists
Foster The People, Kings Of Leon, Razorlite. You Me At Six, Kasabian, Florence & TheMachine. I like edgy stuff.
What would you change of you were PM for the day?
I’d get rid of pigeons. I really don’t like pigeons!’
"Yeah,.. cheers Mel..."