Latest > What is 'Caveman Golf?'
Jul 6th, 2016
What is 'Caveman Golf?'
'Uga-uga'.... Richie Ramsey has the answer
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images
Eaheyeaaaahhhhhh... oh, hang on, that's Tarzan not a caveman. But what it Caveman Golf?
Over to one of golf's self-confessed 'over thinkers', Richie Ramsay:
“I just need to keep it simple,” said Richie at Castle Stuart for the Aberdeen Asset Management Scottish Open.” I always believe the best golfers are either the guys who don’t think at all or really think about it and work out a proper plan."
"Uga uga, man invent wheel. Then invent golf, then man win BMW..."
Indeed, and RR is inspired by none other than DJ, a man who probably spends more time on the range thinking about his other half, the fantabulous Paulina. Which, let's be frank, is enough to keep anyone's swing plane on track.
“DJ is a great example of that. He just stands up and hits it. It’s a simple game when you play caveman golf; see target, hit ball, find ball and see target again. You just have to keep it simple.
“He looks as though he plays golf under pressure as if he is playing with friends, which is a great ability,” said Richie. “Tiger Woods was more intense and obviously knew what he was doing, but DJ does it a different way that also works, as he much more free-flows it."
So, what we're saying is that DJ steps up to the ball, goes 'Uga, uga" a couple of times and just twats it. Seems to be working with his US Open win quickly followed by the Bridgestone title. God forbid DJ lifts his head up and realises where he is and what he's doing. Uga uga. Keep it simple.
"Uga uga, man invent razor. Then have shave, then step up to ball and twat it."
“It helps, of course, that he hits it 360 yards and straight as well," continued Richie. "But I remember seeing him on the TaylorMade truck at Muirfield in 2013 and it struck me how relaxed he was. That’s a good way to be.”
Indeed, if DJ was any more laid-back he'd be upside down. (Is that really an analogy?! – Ed)
“I can get much too fiddly,” admits Richie. “I start asking how far it is to the back edge rather than just picking a yardage and swinging it. When I do that I am normally pin high. When you get too much information you can over-think.”
Richie needs a top 12 finish this week to qualify for the Open. So you know what to do Richie. Uga uga and a bit more uga. Get into the Open and you'll be paired up with DJ for a massive 'uga-ug-off'.
“I would love to play the Open but just finishing high here is probably the more important,” he continued. “I would rather just get that performance under my belt going into a break.
“It would be nice to do that and get you the motivation to work hard over the break to get better. If you try to force it, it becomes harder.
“I have got a couple of little things I’m going to change over the break to try to get better. I’m going to work on the mental side."
Hang on, Richie, I thought you were all uga uga?! That thinking business can be more trouble than it's worth.
Either way, we're rooting for Richie to get into the Open and show us his monkey chest.