Latest > Trump calls out Obama for golf match. Again!
Aug 3rd, 2016
Trump calls out Obama for golf match. Again!
He just won't leave it alone will he...
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images
Oi, Trump! It's no use you attempting to slag off Obama for playing too much golf. Down our way that's exactly what we want our Presidents and other world leaders to be doing. Playing golf is like the washing machine for the brain. It helps you reach – as Carl Spackler said of his meeting with the Dali Lama – 'total consciousness'. Meaning you'll be less likely to freak out and start redirecting traffic in front of the White House, clutching a bottle of gin in just your pants. Or worse...
But he can't help himself. During a campaign event in Daytona Beach, Florida on Wednesday, Trump joked about skipping the general election entirely and challenging President Barack Obama for the White House with a round of golf.
"When i wet to Scotland and I cut the ribbon and I inspected my son's work and then I got on a plane and very quickly I came back," said a rambling Trumper. "And I said I don't wanna touch a golf club, unlike our President, who plays more golf than people on the PGA Tour."
Well, maybe more than Tiger I grant you, Trumpy, who went on.
"I should play Obama for the Presidency. I'll do it. Then I'd be assured of winning ok?"
Well, not really, mate. You seem to have overlooked the fact that you're not running against Obama. Hilary plays golf though, so why don't you give that a try? Good story about Hilary and Ballybunnion. Playing there a few years back with husband Bill, Hilary's caddie was trying to show Hilary the line off the tee, using a big bright building in the distance as the best line.
"Just aim for the white house," said the caddie.
"Don't worry," replied Hilary, "I am."
Let's bloody hope she does...
"And then he said I was playing too much Minecraft..."