Latest > Phoenix Open 'amusing' picture gallery...
Feb 6th, 2017
Phoenix Open 'amusing' picture gallery...
And 3 minute highlights
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images
Phoenix Open 3 minute highlights and mildly amusing picture gallery....
The Phoenix Open. We likey likey very much.
"あれ よう とお ごおd ふぉr ようr ほめ ばっl?!" ... That's Japanese for "Are you too good for your home, ball?!"
"Simpson, eh?"
"Get in the man! You the ball! Mashed pastrami!! etc etc..."
"Sod it, if I'm getting wet, so are you..."
Blimey, battle of the bellies inside the ropes...
After bagging the Dubai Desert Classic, Sergio was on a plane straight to the World Air Guitar Championships... (Hold on, this is supposed to be The Phoenix Open picture caption gallery!! – Ed)
Watch 3 minute highlights right here
This is the 'not-very-pleased' face Rickie uses when he's kept waiting in Denny's for his Peanut Butter Cup Pancake Breakfast...
"Throw us a sausage, Rickie!!"
So who do you work for, again?...
First blood to John Rahm...
Pint... glasses...
Patrick Reed brings the house down by clubbing up, ignoring the green and taking out an unsuspecting paraglider
David Feherty gets into the spirit of things...
We did say it was only mildly amusing...