Latest > Justin Rose pulls out of BMW
May 20th, 2016
Justin Rose pulls out of BMW
One Direction's Niall Horan a bit upset...
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images
One Direction's Niall Horan teed it up at his pal Rory's Dubai Duty Free Irish Open (Try saying that after five pints and a lamb kebab – Ed) pro am on Wednesday.
Nice Titfer, duderino
“He’s a top man,” Horan said in an interview with the European Tour. “He gives me a few tips every now and then. Whether they work on not, I don’t know. He’s a great lad.”
Which is comforting to know. Horan's appearance – assisted by the odd tweet to his 26million twitter followers –ensured there were plenty of impressionable young ladies in attendance.
“Most of the crowd is kids, which is good,” Horan said. “Hopefully they’ll start playing.”
"Here Mandy, isn't that the bloke from The Pogues?"
Next week, Horan will be playing in the pro-am at the BMW PGA Championship. He was due to be playing with Justin Rose who recently had to pull out through injury. He's still on track to play with John Terry in the Pro Am, which is some sort of consolation... Maybe Niall can persuade Rory to change his mind about "Not wanting to pay four weeks in a row" (Poor lamb - Ed) and tee it up at Wentworth?
After all, it's the European Tour's flagship event and the least certain Ryder Cup players (Poulter, Casey etc) can do is make this one appearance. (They're probably as weak as kittens what with all that golf and everything – Getting slightly annoyed now – Ed)
"Are you sure that's John Terry, Rors?..."
Niall, a true GolfJunkie GolfPunk, is totally smitten by the game and recently took up an honorary life member of Mullingar Golf Club in Ireland. He freely admits, however, that playing in front of huge galleries at Wentworth has him hiding behind his metaphorical golf sofa at times.
“Hitting my tee shot off the first in front of so many people was probably one of the most nerve-wracking things I’ve ever done," said Niall. "But once that was out of the way I relaxed and we had a laugh. Justin has become a great friend over the last few years and I can’t wait to play alongside him.”
They might not be playiong together n the Pro Am but Niall and Justin will be hosting their own private charity event, the Horan & Rose Gala Dinner and Golf Day. The event takes place on Sunday May 29 and the Bank Holiday Monday May 30 to raise money for Cancer Research UK Kids and Teens, a charity which funds research to find cures and kinder treatments for children’s cancers.
“The Pro-Am day has grown and grown in recent years," said Jamie Birkmyre, Championship Director of the BMW PGA Championship. "It’s one of the highlights of the sporting calendar. Having superstars such as Niall and Justin involved is really helping us grow the game and reach a wider audience. The Pro-Am is a brilliant day out for all the family and we have some great deals on advance-purchase tickets, plus entry is free for under-16s.”
Tickets for the Celebrity Pro-Am day can be purchased now here for £12 (plus booking fees) (£15 on the gate).
Advance tickets for the practice day on Tuesday May 24 and the tournament days, Thursday May 26 to Sunday May 28, are also available. For further information or to book now please visit here