Latest > High speed police chase damages six greens
Aug 29th, 2017
High speed police chase damages six greens
On New Jersey Golf Course
Words: GolfPunk
A golf course in Windsor, New Jersey has been badly damaged as a result of a high–speed police chase.
A 79–year–old man took local police on a lengthy chase after refusing an officer's orders to pull over for speeding.
The chase was not over after the man’s car ran over a spike–strip, as he then turned off the highway onto the golf course.
He finally crashed into an embankment on the course, but six greens were damaged by the 30–minute chase, including two severely.
This is how Golden Oak's reported the incident on Facebook: "6 of our greens were damaged, 12 & 15 sustaining the most damage... It could have been much worse. No one was hurt!!!!!! We are resilient! We can be knocked down, but we get up stronger every time! Thank you so much for all your support, care and love. Our golf family is amazing!!!"
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