Latest > Happy birthday to Happy Gilmore.
Feb 14th, 2016
Happy birthday to Happy Gilmore.
20th anniversary of film release
Words: John Dean
Happy birthday to Happy Gilmore. 20 years old today!
It seems just like yesterday, well maybe last week, but it's actually the 20th anniversary of the release of Happy Gilmore. Cripes.
First released in 1996, Happy Gilmore was actually written by Adam Sandler and Tim Herlithy, who was a long standing writer for Saturday Night Live.
We all know the story. Failed ice hockey player discovers a natural talent for golf, and eventually beats the arrogant Shooter McGavin to save his grandmother’s house.
The film received mixed reviews when it was released and earned $41.2 million on a $12 million budget, which isn’t exactly a bad go. And it must have just kept rolling in the revenues over the years through TV and DVD sales. A good piece of work if ever there was one!
Beats the hell out of "get in the hole."
It is certainly one of those films that have endured the course of time, and we watch it at least once a year. It’s part of the GolfPunk DNA, along with our all-time favourite CaddyShack, staring the golf club and mobile phone throwing Bill Murray.
The film also won Sandler an MTV Movie Award for “Best fight” with Sandler against Bob Barker. MTV - you remember MTV, right?
Rather than us harping on about it, why don't you kick back and enjoy this great little video of the best moments from the film?
For more on Shooter McGavin's new film click here or on the image.