Latest > Golf club manager doused in petrol
Jul 24th, 2016
Golf club manager doused in petrol
In armed robbery at golf club
Words: John Dean
Shelly Beach Golf Club in New South Wales
A golf club manager was held at knife-point and doused in petrol in a terrifying armed robbery.
The man was closing up Shelly Beach Golf Club in the New South Wales Central Coast on Sunday when he was attacked by a balaclava wearing hoodlum.
He was doused in petrol and the robber then forced him to open the office safe and ransacked an ATM, threatening to set him on fire if he did not go along with demands.
The employee was tied up and left on the ground while the thief made off with a 'substantial' amount of money before police arrived shortly after 10.30pm.
Club President Alan Arkins told Daily Mail Australia on Monday the robbery had left the manager 'traumatised'.
'It was awful. One staff member was closing up, the club was completely empty. He'd locked everything up and was accosted by an intruder. He threatened him with a knife and marched him back to the club.'
He continuously threatened to set him on fire while demanding cash from the office safe and ATM. The manager handed over thousands of dollars before being tied up and doused in yet more petrol.
He was left on the floor inside the clubhouse while the robber fled.
While it's not clear how much money was taken, Mr Arkins said it was a 'substantial' amount in the thousands.
'We're really very careful about not maintaining huge amounts of cash so it'd been taken into the safe and he forced his way into there,' he said.
Police arrived after around 20 minutes, Mr Arkins said, adding that he was grateful the man had not been physically hurt.
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