Latest > Donald Trump quick to get back on the golf course
Feb 6th, 2017
Donald Trump quick to get back on the golf course
'It's completely different to when Obama did it...'
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images
The big question on everyone's lips this last 18 days since Donald Trump took office and started throwing around Executive Orders like confetti is, of course, when will Trumper capitulate on his promise and get back on the golf course?
Having spent the last two years slamming Obama for abandoning his Presidential duties in favour of golfing frivolity, how long would it take for DT to follow suit? Six months? A year? Nope, it took him 15 days.
“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump assured us in 2015. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.”
"Honestly, this is not what it looks like..."
Far be it for us to ever EVER suggest that someone should refrain from swigning the wrenches, it's the washing machine for the brain and all that, and DT can benefit from a good rinsing as much as any of us.
But the White White House have been a bit cloak and dagger about the whole affair, refusing to give details about the president’s activities at his Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach, where he spent roughly eight hours on Saturday and Sunday. Nor did it provide the names of the president’s golf partners ― as the Obama White House routinely did.
“At this hour, pool still does not have the names of POTUS’ golf partners (if he played golf) or the details of his activities at the golf club,” The New York Times’ Mark Landler said in a pool report on Saturday.
“WH official tells the pool that they do not have information on POTUS’ (President Of The United States) golf partners,” he added.
Trump returned to the golf club early on Sunday. A White House spokesperson reportedly said that in addition to some meetings, the president "might play a few holes of golf".
Trump has stated in the past that he would make time for golf but that he would “always play with leaders of countries and people that can help us.”
It is rumoured that Trump played golf with former House Speaker John Boehner who, as far as we understand, has yet to become a leader of a country.
During a campaign rally in 2015, Trump blasted Obama for playing more golf than Tiger Woods. “I love golf, I think it’s one of the greats, but I don’t have time,” he said. In 2014, he had a go at Obama for spending taxpayer money on travel that included rounds of golf.
Still, as long as he enjoyed himself...