American film superstar Don Cheadle (Ocean's Eleven, Crash, Iron Man 2) has been drawn into a vicious twitter shouting match with Donald Trump supporters, following Chealde's comments about the POTUS's alleged remarks while playing golf with Cheadle's friend's father.
Don Cheadle. 13 handicap. Unlikely to be visiting the White House any time soon...
"Hated him since he asked my friend's father at a Doral pro-am if he'd ever "f*cked a n****r..." Did it for me ...", Cheadle replied. He was referring to a mixed professional and amateur golf contest at Donald Trump's luxury resort in Doral, Miami.
Cheadle qualified his statement by saying that the unnamed father was playing in a foursome with the billionaire tycoon. The man in question could not be named, Cheadle said, because his daughter was famous.
"The Donald thought they were all 'like minded'," said Cheadle. "Mistook their shock for disgust... He went on to clarify, "No, no, it's great!" and some more stuff before they just teed off in silence.
"Many already know this to be in his nature. It's not hidden. And those who can't see it, might never. If I'd mentioned it during the Presidential race it would have changed little."
"He said what to who now?!"
Cheadle was drawn into the social media spat after a Trump fan accused him of "Trump-hating way before treason" - a reference to the ongoing claims that the New York tycoon won the 2016 election with Russian backing.
It's not the first time Trump has been accused of racism. According to The Independent, he was sued for allowing his organisations to discriminate against black tenants, and his casinos were fined for allowing wealthy white gamblers to get black employees removed from working on their table.
Trump has allegedly stated that "laziness is a trait in blacks", and accused Mexican migrants to the US of being "racist".
In 2016, Cheadle called the then-Presidential hopeful a "POS" (piece of shit) who should "die in a grease fire" after he used the shooting death of black woman Nykea Aldridge to claim "African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!"
Cheadle and Lydia Ko wait patiently for Trump's 4-ball in front of them to stop lamenting the banning of slavery and actually tee the hell off....
"He wasn't the president then," said Cheadle in response to another Trump supporter on Twitter. "Just a racist, misogynistic, draft dodging, "birther" conspiracist, pussy grabbing, bankruptcy machine..."
If nothing else, this is one potential golf match up that won't be troubling Trump's White House duties...
Is Don Cheadle any good at golf? You decide