Latest > Dark Lord Photographed Flying Over Golf Course
Oct 14th, 2015
Dark Lord Photographed Flying Over Golf Course
'Leathery-winged creature causes havoc
Words: Tim Southwell
That's all you need isn't it, the Dark Lord swirling about above your head when you're trying to make a tricky downhill left-to-right five footer.
But that's what happened on a golf course in New Jersey last week as this picture quite clearly and comprehensively proves.
As one GP reader said on twitter: It looks like someone's thrown a Yorkshire Terrier in the air
Locals in New Jersey think it could be the ‘Jersey Devil’ – a sort of scaled down local version of Behelzebup who is occasionally sighted by local types with too much time on their hands.
The goat-like creature with ‘leathery’ wings was sighted on a course in America by a local resident: "I was just driving past the golf course in Galloway on Route 9 and had to shake my head a few times when I thought I saw a llama.
"If that wasn’t enough, then it spread out leathery wings and flew off over the golf course... Either my mind is playing tricks on me or I just saw the Jersey Devil."
Later the same day the goat-like creature was seen propping up the bar in a deshevelled state at Hooters on Route 10. A local reporter dashed to the scene to get himself the scoop of the century, but the creature declined to comment before emitting a loud belch and flying off in what locals described as a 'very haphazard fashion'.
"He, or 'it', whatever you call it, had been slamming tequilas real hard and he looked totally wasted," said Wayne Bryers who was at the scene. "A couple of us tried to take pictures of the creature but it seemed to have some sort of power that stopped the camera phones working. Otherwise I'd have total proof of what I'm telling you."
The case continues.