Latest > BMW To Be Cancelled?
Feb 2nd, 2016
BMW To Be Cancelled?
Does this mean that Mike & The Mechanics is off?
Words: John Dean Photography: Getty Images
w"I say June, if that Luke Donald tries to get down my driveway I'll take a mashie to the blighter..."
Residents and members of Wentworth are threatening to disrupt the BMW Championship, the flagship event of the European Tour, as the battle with the new Chinese owners heats up.
We understand that local residents and members will not co-operate over the course of the BMA PGA Championship as part of their on-going dispute with Reignwood, which has recently escalated with a 15-page writ being served last week.
Members and local residents have usually co-operated with the event organisers, and agreed to the closure of public footpaths and the staging of concerts and advertising for the event.
The Wentworth Residents Association said it “may be minded to refuse permission in 2016 and in future years” if “residents are effectively excluded from the club”.
They're normally a sanguine bunch, but god help you if you get in the way of their golf...
Michael Fleming, the club captain, commented: “I don’t think the PGA can go ahead at the moment with such an environment with such a situation.
They’re changing the whole ethos of the club — moving it from being a normal golf club with local residents and community members to something that just doesn’t exist.”
Chief executive Stephen Gibson said: “I don’t think our members, or residents of the local community are the sorts of people who would be prepared to disrupt such a prestigious annual event.”
But that may well not be the case, as the level of bad feelings between members, residents and the new ownership are running very high indeed.
Whilst this may be the only way to get Mike & The Mechanics cancelled, we’d still like to be able to watch the golf.
For more on how the dispute kicked off click here or on the image.