Latest > Another major clanger from The Trump
May 22nd, 2016
Another major clanger from The Trump
Praises Monty for his Major 'victories'
Words: John Dean Photography: Getty Images
Donald Trump took time out from his busy schedule running for the US Presidency to show his appreciation for Colin Montgomerie turning up at Trump Turnberry.
"That US Open you won at Pebble Beach?" "No that was Tom Kite."
He dropped his enormous clanger via Twitter when he congratulated Monty for making "winning Majors look easy".
Now as we all know, other than the Trump, Monty has never won a Major, and is highly unlikely to do so now, although that is still just about within the bounds of possibilities.
"Did we just become best friends?"
He was, of course, 8 times winner of The European Order of Merit, as he never stops reminding us. Perhaps the Trump has not been watching Sky’s golf coverage; otherwise there is no way he would not have known that at least.
Yes, he did come very close on several occasions, especially when he famously took too much club going into the 18th at Winged Foot at the US Open in 2006 and managed to bogey from the middle of the fairway when all he needed was a par. But no, he never did make it over that line.
'I won 8 Order of Merits don't ya know"
Montgomerie turned up at Trump Turnberry to play the golf resort that Trump snapped up in 2014. You have to say this for Trump, he knows a bargain when he sees one, and with Doonbeg and Doral bought as distress sales, he’s more that made his money back.
"No I didn't win at Winged Foot either Donald"
His purchase of Turnberry has also created more problems for the R&A, who have tried to put some distance between themselves and the Trump. The Open isn’t coming back to Turnberry in the foreseeable future, and the issue has rather been kicked into the very long grass.
The Open without Turnberry and Muirfield will put a small dent in the tournament, but there are still plenty of courses more than worthy of staging it.
Walking off the 18th at Winged Foot - ho Monty!