Help The Gravy
Latest > HELP THE GRAVY #13
Aug 10th, 2019
And of course, Bunch of Arse...
Words: GolfPunkers
The stuff that's floated our boats and scrunched our undies this week...
#helpthegravy Galvin Green ShakeDry jacket for keeping us dry both on and off the course (it's super useful around the city as well as the fairway)!
Helping The we-shouldnt-need-to-be-wearing-a-jacket-its-blinking-July-for-goodness-sake-but-at-least-this-is-a-goody! Gravy!
#bunchofarse The weather and needing our Galvin Green!
Bunch of its-July-we-should-be-wearing-shorts-and-sipping-pimms-by-water-somewhere-not-avoiding-puddles-on-the-way-to-work! Arse!
#helpthegravy Tabasco Green Jalapeno Sauce....
Helping The it-makes-everything-taste-better-quite-literally-changing-the-gravy! Gravy!
#bunchofarse The closure of the transfer window with no last minute surprises!
Bunch of all-the-deals-were-obvious-and-there-were-no-peter-odemwingie-style-deadline-day-dramas! Arse!
#helpthegravy Testing out Honma's TW-X golf balls and finding they're really rather good and we played well!
Helping The a-change-from-the-usual-and-the-ProV1's-might-be-under-threat! Gravy!
#bunchofarse watching Tiger struggling so badly at PGA Tour play-off at Liberty National.
Bunch of we-dont-like-to-see-a-great-golfer-struggle-so-badly-when-this-year-showed-so-much-promise! Arse! If you want the leaderboard its available here!