Help The Gravy
Latest > Help The Gravy #11
Apr 23rd, 2017
Help The Gravy #11
And, of course, Bunch Of Arse
Words: Tim Southwell
Help The Gravy & Bunch Of Arse
The stuff that's floated our boats and scrunched our undies this week...
#helpthegravy Beef for being a top bloke and sending GP Editor's son a birthday message!
Helping The You-Didn'tNeed-To-Promise-I'd-Get-Him-A-Mercedes-Though! Gravy!
#bunchofarse The bloody play offs or lack thereof...
Bunch Of In-The-Top-6-For-The-Last-10-Months-Only-To-Fall-Apart-At-The-Crucial-Time-What's-The-Bloody-Point?! Arse!
#helpthegravy The marvelous people at PGA Catalunya for sorting GolfPunk out with splendid accommodation and hospitality for our shoot with Maria Verchenova
Helping The Looking-After-Us-Thanks-Rita-Lots Gravy!
#bunchofarse Elections
Bunch Of This-Ought-To-Be-Good-For-A-Laugh-What-Opposition? Arse!
#helpthegravy Kevin Chappell for finally winning a PGA tour event in his 180th attempt at the Valero Texas Open!
Helping The You-Probably-Though-This-Day-Would-Never-Come-That's-What-You-Get-For-Persistence-And-Never-Giving-Up Gravy!
#bunchofarse Trump's golfing
Bunch Of Actually-Maybe-This-Should-Be-In-Help-The-Gravy-After-All-If-He's-On-The-Golf-Course-He's-Probably-Less-Likely-To-Blow-Stuff-Up? Arse!
#helpthegravy Bernd Wiesberger for bagging the Shenzhen International in a play off with Tommy Fleetwood who himself gets extra gravy for shooting a last round 63!!!
Helping The Up-To-30th-In-The-World...-Not-Quite-Sure-What-To-Say...Errm... What's-'Cheers-&-Lovely'-In-Chinese? Gravy!
#bunchofarse Ian Poulter losing his PGA Tour Card
Bunch Of Who-Saw-That-Coming?-Well,-Probably-A-Lot-Of-People-Seeing-As-His-Medical-Exemption-Ran-Out-Hopefully-He'll-Still-Get-A-Load-Of-Invites-etc Arse!
#helpthegravy Josh at Monarch Airlines for sorting out our trip to Barcelona at very short notice
Helping The Quick-Check-In-Extra-Leg-Room Gravy!
#bunchofarse Vandals for destroying 12 greens at Abbotsley golf club by applying weed killer..
Bunch Of What-Kind-Of-Half-Witted-Mentalists-Would-Come-Up-With-That-Sort-Of-'Plan'? Arse!
#helpthegravy Maria Verchenova for showing us some fancy golf fitness moves at PGA Catalunya
Helping The This-Time-I-Really-Mean-It-I'm-Going-To-Get-Properly-Golf-Fit-Just-As-Soon-As-This-Cold-Clears-Up Gravy!
#bunchofarse The part in Britain's Got Talent where they pretend to have some drama by getting the judges to say 'yes' or 'no' when everyone knows exactly what they're going to say
Bunch Of Whatdya-Think-We're-Completely-Stupid-That's-3-Seconds-Each-Time-I'll-Never-Get-Back-Still-At-Least-Piers-Bloody-Morgan-Isn't-On-It-Anymore Arse!