Golf Rules
Latest > Will he never learn?
Sep 9th, 2019
Will he never learn?
Kuchar broke the rules, pure and simple
Words: GolfPunk Photography: Getty Images
Sometimes we look at a player and wonder what is going through their head. In what can only be considered a nightmare year for Matt Kuchar the American really doesn’t seem to know when to stop digging, quite literally in this case!
I wonder how loose that tree is over there?
His year must have his publicity people pulling their hair out. First there was caddygate where Kuchar made Ebenezer Scrooge look profligate, even though he did eventually pay up. Then there was the rather uncharitable “Gimme” that wasn’t with Sergio Garcia before unbelievable scenes over the imaginary rulings request that was so extremely uncomfortable to watch.
And now….well have a look for yourself:
We are aware of the ruling under 15.1.b which states “Removal of Loose Impediment - Without penalty, a player may remove a loose impediment anywhere on or off the course, and may do so in any way (such as by using a hand or foot or a club or other equipment).”
So, in the world of Matt Kuchar a waste area, under the new rules, becomes millions of loose impediments all available to be moved in order to improve his lie. Shame on you Mr Kuchar and shame on you rules official that let him get away with it. As one of the commentators quite rightly said "Well, he's going to have a perfect lie in a minute,"
Taking Matt’s actions to the extreme will see us all removing the sand around a plugged ball in a bunker claiming each grain of sand is a loose impediment.
No ifs no buts, Kooch was improving his lie and should have been penalised.