Golf Betting
Latest > The Best Golf Gambling Stories
Mar 7th, 2019
The Best Golf Gambling Stories
Words: GolfPunk
We all long to hear success stories of people in various fields. There are top professional golfers who have soared so high and The Golf Punk team sought to learn how they made it to the levels they are at today, and below are the betting stories of the best golf gamblers.
Adam Scott's story:
Ten years ago, Scott was a member of a team that participated in money games alongside Fred and Phil, a skilled poker player. They began with small bets in the best slot sites in the UK which rapidly grew into major bets as time moved on.
Scott claims that he and his teammates had a relatively soft bet when starting the round, and this displeased Ivey. Though Scott and Fred were already into lacklustre golf when Ivey came on board, he claimed he had not come to watch them play as they did and assured them that they wouldn’t ten birdies between them and the other rounds moving forward beyond the sixth hole.
However, Fred and Scott were sure that they could handle the 5,000 dollar bet and they went ahead to bet. When they had the game under their control, they then slowed down and Scott at this point claimed that he would have birdied 16 though he didn’t. For the final two holes, they needed three birdies between them.
Upon reaching the tee number seventeen, Phil was aware his odds weren’t good and there was a possibility of either of them stiffing a wedge causing both to birdie last. Ivey threw them a curveball and he bet them five more grand claiming that they’d miss hitting the green.
This challenged both Scott and Fred to take up the bet. Sadly, Fred was thinking of the nest bet which he fanned into the correct bunker, meaning that they had lost the bet and worse still, they didn’t get the initial bet. Instead, they made par after hitting meaning a missed cause. However, Fred and Scott lost one bet after they birdied 18.
Justin Thomas story:
Michael Jordan occasionally visited the Kentucky Derby at Harmony Landing every year together with his friends to play the 36 holes. On arrival, they would always meet the professional player Mike Thomas and his son.
Justin would then spend a couple of years assisting Jordan before he would start playing and thereafter join Michael for a superb match.
When Justin started playing, he would move out with the rest to just get a caddie or tees even though they weren’t any then. He started caddying while playing after school when he was only 13 years. When he turned 16, he moved out more often and started playing on number 13.
At one time as Justin rode with Michael, he claimed that after reaching the former hole, he asked the opponents to get their clubs and take on Justin and him.
As a young, tiny player, Justin was often grieved as he was playing similar tees as the rest. On this game, they managed to defeat the other eight players who they were playing against, something he took great pride in. This made Justin feel ready to play in other equally big competitions. He claimed that playing with Jordan was really fun as he cared for all that were tipping.