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Sep 5th, 2016

#TrickshotTuesday Top 5

How do they do that?

It's #TrickshotTuesday. Here's 5 of the best this week:

1: Whoop, Whoop, it's the sound of the police!

Coach Rusty got stopped...


2: A Perfect Balancing Act

We didn't want to put in two videos from one trickster, but this was too epic to leave out...


3. Golfing Paradise

We've featured Romain Béchu's work before, here & here,  but this is awesome because of the backdrop. We want to go!


 4. Brother Where Art Thou?

Wesley Bryan has gone off and got himself on to the PGA Tour. So what is his brother George going to do? Keep holing ridiculous shots from the tops of football stadiums, and showing the world on social media it seems.



5. Skim it to win it 

We've got a lot of time for this, it's not your typical trick shot, and he's skimmed with a fade, when our tiny little minds could only comprehend attempting to skim with a draw!


+Added Bonus Blooper Reel!!!

First our very own GolfTrickShotBoy and world champion Geoff Swain nearly has his head taken off, then see why trick shots can be an expensive hobby...

https://www.instagram.com/p/BJyP_-whNYP/?tagged=golftricks https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ0SZBgjuKj/?taken-by=golftrickshotboys


TAGS: #TrickshotTuesday, Golf Trickshots, Golf Bedlam, 2016