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Aug 5th, 2016
Luke Donald's Art Forum
The Baroque Era
I was on the practice green the other day when I overheard Sandy Lyle and Barry Lane having a right old ding-dong about the Baroque era. Turns out Sandy had been banging on about how stylistically complex the period was and Barry, who everyone knows is the biggest Rococo fan on Tour, had taken exception. “Your problem, Sandy,” snapped Barry as he rolled in a ten- footer, “is that you see all that overt rhetoric, rich grandeur and emotional exhuberance and you go all ga-ga.”
Well, you should have seen Sandy’s face. “Listen Laney,” he said, tossing his putter against his bag. “I defy anyone with even the slightest appreciation of art to look at Death of the Virgin by Michelangelo Merisi and not be moved to tears.”
“Who?” asked Barry.
Sandy smiled. “Caravaggio to you,” he laughed. Turns out Barry didn’t even know Caravaggio’s real
name. I tell you what, the poor bloke hasn’t been able to live it down since. Everywhere he goes people are giving him stick. In the locker room, at the bar, everywhere.
I even saw Bruce Critchley pointing at him on the range the other day and giggling.
Next month: Luke reveals Chad Campbell’s unique interpretation of the Bauhaus Movement
Honeslty, Luke, we're only having bit of fun. Plus it's educational...