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Nov 2nd, 2015
A Quick Livener #AQL3
Helping GolfPunk's Gravy & Bunching Arse the weekend...
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images
Helping GolfPunk's Gravy & Bunching Arse the weekend were...
Steve Williams for giving us something feisty to write about this weekend:
"No, honestly, keep your money Tiger, I'm in it for the love..."
Full story about how Tiger treated Stevie like a slave here:
Pacifico Beer:
Helping The Most-Delish-Beer-Ever-It's-From-Mexico-You-Know-But-You-Can't-Get-It-Many-Places Gravy!
Victor Dubuisson for making us all cry when he won the Turkish Airlines Open:
"And then... sniff... they ... sniff sniff... poured champagne over.. sniff... me..."
Helping The We-Said-We-Wouldn't-Cry Gravy!
Full story about how Vic won the Turkish and burst out crying here
This guy for being GolfPunk's new dog in a couple of days:
"Evening, GolfPunks"
Helping The His-Name's-Ronnie-And-He-Won't-Be-Living-In-A-Cage-Much-Longer Gravy!
Justin Thomas for holding his nerve to beat clubhouse leader Adam Scott and win his first PGA Tour event at the CIMB (what is a CIMB by the way? – Ed) Classic in errrm,... Malaysia:
"Look what I made in metalwork, ma!"
Helping The Blimey-He-Shot-A-61-On-The-First-Day Gravy!
Full story about how JT won the CIMB here
Sei Young Kim for being all coy after winning the Blue Ray LPGA title at Hainan Island:
"Is that a rabbit on your forehead? They look like hairs from a distance!"
Helping The Third-Victory-In-Rookie-Season-On-The-LPGA-Tour-For-The-Cheeky-Monkey-22-Year-Old Gravy!
James & Jack at Haywards Heath Golf Club for doing a series of video tips on what to practice to get your game in shape for 2016.
Helping The Giving-Us-The-Ammunition-To-Get-Into-TheGroove-And-Hit-The-Fairways-Running-Can't-Wait-For-Spring-Videos-Coming-Soon Gravy!
Bunching Arse this weekend were...
Cloggy bloody fairways:
Bunch Of I-Just-Got-A-Squirt-Of-Mud-Water-In-Me-Sock-And-Now-I-Feel-All-Cold-And-Guey Arse!
These guys for making my phone ring:
Bunch Of Every-Bloody-Time-You-Call-Me-I'm-In-The-Middle-Of-Something-Plus-I-Never-Wanted-To-Speak-To-You-In-The-First-Place-Just-Leave-Me-Alone-And-You-Can-Take-That-Smile-Off-Your-Face-While-You're-At-It-You-Phone-Pesting-Parasite Arse!
Greedy child urchins who grab too many sweets when the come round and knock on your door at Halloween.
Bunch Of Ungrateful-Grab-Grabbing-Reprobates-Some-Of-Them-Didn't-Even-Bother-Dresssing-Up Arse!