Latest > Top 5 Weird or Wonderful Inventions for Golfers
Apr 18th, 2019
Top 5 Weird or Wonderful Inventions for Golfers
For a bit of light relief we pulled together something for your delectation
Words: GolfPunk
We are not sure whether all of these are real and its clear some are not legal but they brought a smile to our faces
#5 - Bubba’s Golf Hovercraft
Pretty sure this is an April fool but, if not, we want one. Badly. Seriously did you see it go over the water hazard. Very cool and at GP Towers we would buy a fleet of them for getting round the course.
#4 - True Stretch Golf
We have no idea what this medieval torture chamber was supposed to achieve but we are pretty certain we know why that ridiculous hulking monstrosity did not catch on!
#3 - Golf Swing Shirt
This actually looks like it might work. But unless you have your own driving range or you can go in the dead of night where nobody is around, would you want to use it? GP are unanimous that even if it dropped our handicap to scratch we would still struggle.
#2 - The Drutter
This has to be a practical joke right? If not the guy is nuts. Golf does not use catapults. It uses very expensive sticks of varying types to hit a ball a long way (hopefully) into a small hole far away. At no point have you sorted the pain of carrying this bag full of sticks a long way by inventing a catapult. You have fundamentally changed the game. Oh, and it looks rubbish!
#1 - The Swingless Golf Club
As with The Drutter you haven’t solved a problem. If a golfer cant swing their bats then this doesn’t really qualify. Can you imagine the faces of the old boys at The Royal & Ancient if you cracked out this bad boy off the 1st Tee. Hilarious.