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Latest > Jack Nicklaus hails Donald Trump
Nov 19th, 2016
Jack Nicklaus hails Donald Trump
Quickly followed by Christie Kerr & Greg Norman
Words: Tim Southwell Photography: Getty Images & Steve Read
Donald Trump winning the presidential election is good for golf. It must be true because Jack Nicklaus, Greg Norman and Christie Kerr all say so.
Apparently Trump's deft handling of the Nicklaus-designed Trump Ferry Point in the Bronx illustrates Jack's assertion.
He told Yahoo Finance: "I think he’s going to make a tremendous impact on the world of golf as he goes forward. He is a golfer, he loves the game of golf, his golf courses are all very, very good facilities."
Jack added that Trump "knew the people to talk to to get it done and finished," proved that the next four years, and possibly even longer, can be great for golf with such an avid fan in the oval office.
It's become something of a golf love in for Trump this week with both Christie Kerr and Greg Norman declaring their undying love for him.
"I haven't talked to him. I haven't had a chance to congratulate him," Kerr said on Wednesday. "I just still can't believe he's president-elect of the United States. I mean, every time I say it, it's like, 'Wow. Really?' It's just so shocking, all these protests around the country. It's a fair and square election. Everyone got to vote.
"The person that I've known over the years, he always does what he says he's going to do and he surrounds himself with really smart people. I'm really happy for him. I hope people will grow to understand that he is a man of his word and he can get things done. Hopefully he'll be the CEO of this country like he's been the CEO of his businesses.
"I don't think people understand how moderate he is. He's fiscally conservative. He wants to get the country back on track. But he's a little bit socially liberal from some aspects. Hopefully people can get to know him.”
As for Greg Norman, he's full of optimism about Trump in the Whitehouse:
"Donald, for all his bluster, rhetoric and aggressive style of messaging, caught the attention of those that needed a rudder for their forgotten ship and beliefs," Norman said.
"Like it or not, he made a poignant and powerful impact on a base that sat sadly alienated. I have spoken to Donald on numerous occasions since the election and I think he will surprise many with what he will do with the presidency, but not himself. He has a clear vision."
"For obvious reasons, I am glad we have another golfer in the White House. We all know that Trump is passionate about the sport and like many presidents before him, I am sure he will use the golf course as a stress-reliever. I have been lucky enough to play with previous presidents, so I am hoping the trend continues with President-elect Trump."
The man himself commented earlier this year that, if he became President we could be confident the golf world will be a better place: "I love golf," said Donald. "I love playing it. It's a very important game. It's a great game. You can learn so much. You make so many great friends by playing it. But I will say this: It won't be good for my game, but it'll be great for golf."
Hilary Clinton was not available for comment...