Mar 4th, 2017 Article
Pablo Larrazabal's swing deconstructed
The man behind the man… Damian Taylor reveals the secret to Pablo Larrazabal’s success.
The man behind the man… Damian Taylor reveals the secret to Pablo Larrazabal’s success.
We've all done it – hit a bad shot and walked up to hit the next one with the same expectation. Jamil tells us how to avoid this pitfall. It's kind of a 'That one was heads, so the next one will be tails' kind of thing...
Ever wanted to hit lob shots like a tour pro? It's not as hard as you might think. U.S. Open winning coach Jonathan Yarwood shows us how..
It's all about the flow. Jonathan Yarwood has spent a lot of time with Scotty Cameron and his learnings are right here for you GolfPunkers. We don't want thanking. Just money. Cheers.
How to hit the driver sweetspot with Jonathan Yarwood
Turbo swinging: All in one place. Jonathan Yarwood's series of six 10 second tips to make you swing with power and precision. A great swing in 0-60 seconds
Is there anything golf can't do? Not only is it the greatest, coolest, most fantabulous sort in the world, it has now been scientifically proven to be a genuine elixar of life. Golf makes you live longer. Fact. It's good for your health.
Smash the bejeezus out of it on the tee straight down the middle, fine. But we all know the scores on the doors are dependant on what happens from 125-yards and in. Enter the Cleveland Golf Wedge Analyser...
It's Jack Nicklaus's 77th birthday. Jack made a habit of winning whether he was swinging well or not. This is something everyone can learn from...
This simple routine is a brilliant way to get yourself fit and flexible for the 2017 golf season. It doesn't take long and is quite frankly a bit of a revelation.
How to escape the dreaded plugged lie everytime!!!
5 red hot instruction tips from Ryder Cup ledge & US Open winner, Justin Rose. From tee to green...