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Search results for "travel"

Oct 26th, 2016 Article

Clubstohire teams up with David Howell

ClubstoHire.com, the world’s leading golf club rental business, has signed a multi-year agreement with England’s David Howell for the European Tour star and former Ryder Cup player to act as a global brand ambassador.

Sep 28th, 2016 Article

Ryder Cup Picture Spectacular

Things are heating up at Hazeltine, and these are only the practice days?! Here are the best pictures so far + added japery...

Sep 15th, 2016 Article

Tiger Woods to buy TaylorMade?

Crazy internet rumours are suggesting Tiger Woods wants to buy TaylorMade. We just can't see this happening. Here's what could happen though...

Sep 13th, 2016 Article

Sixth time lucky for Alcanada

For the sixth year in succession, Club de Golf Alcanada has been voted the best golf course in Europe by visitors to igolf.eu - a popular golf review site. 

Sep 1st, 2016 Article

Further Ryder Cup wildcard controversy

William Hill suspended betting on Luke Donald being named as one of DC’s three wild card picks on Monday night. What was behind this?

Aug 31st, 2016 Article

Son of G–Mac!

G­–Mac’s wife Kristin has given birth to a son, Wills Edson McDowell. The little boy was born on Monday and weighed in at a healthy 9lbs 1 0z. Congratulations from all at GP Towers.