Mar 4th, 2021
Way back in the days of pre lockdown, we started a trial on the Theragun massage gun. Early signs were encouraging and we promised to report back having tried out the Theragun for all its promised benefits.
Jan 14th, 2021
The PGA TOUR and WHOOP, the human performance company, announced a multi-year partnership naming WHOOP as the “Official Fitness Wearable of the PGA TOUR and PGA TOUR Champions” and a “Sponsor of PGA TOUR Active.”
Oct 23rd, 2020
In 2007 Dr Jason Wersland was involved in a traumatic motorcycle accident. The accident left him in debilitating muscle and nerve pain, and nothing he tried seemed to help. His search for a device to help with his pain led to the birth of the Theragun®.
Jul 26th, 2019
There is no other way to say this but last week was a killer. The workouts alongside a heavy workload and a couple of work functions were tough (its important at this point in case our other halves are reading to emphasis these soirees were work related and we really didn’t enjoy them!). However, we made it through to the other side and are looking forward to next week!
Jun 30th, 2019
Let’s start with an admission. We know that our Fitness Friday article is going out on a Monday and we kind of dropped the (medecine) ball but we have a good excuse honest. So, we’re a smidge late but following the maxim, better late than never, here you go!
Jun 13th, 2019
It’s often said that for brilliant break through musical artists that the second album is the difficult one. So too has been the second week of our six-week GOLF.WOD designed plan fitness plan as the initial giddy optimism of the first week gives way to the brutal reality living a more virtuous existence and the need for hard work and sacrifice.
Jun 6th, 2019
Welcome to our new feature, Who's Your Favourite, where we ask golf industry insiders who their favourite players are. This week its Michael the owner of GOLFWOD who is currently putting two of our team through his 6 week golf fit challenge.
Jun 6th, 2019
The maxim that you can’t teach old dogs’ new tricks has firmly been dispatched this week as the “Lab Rats” as we have affectionately been called have truly turned over a new leaf, at least for the next 6/7 weeks are concerned.
May 30th, 2019
I think it safe to say that the GolfPunk team are not exactly regulars at their local gym. When it comes to preparing for a round of golf its usually a bacon sarnie, washed down with a few cups of coffee, a couple of swishes with an 8 iron behind the first tee and away we go.
May 8th, 2019
Welcome back to part two of our Friday Fitness feature as the GolfPunk team get back to working on improving their waistline and their game! This time we are going for the current GP Team's favourite exercise and one that has ramped up the competitive tension at GolfPunk Towers.
May 1st, 2019
Welcome to GolfPunk’s latest regular feature - Fitness Friday - where we detail the exercises the team are doing in an effort to get both golf fit and ready for the looming summer golf tour where, god forbid, shorts maybe the order of the day!
Mar 27th, 2019
Time to maximise the extreme and re-organise the envelope!